Services Alita Agency GM October 28, 2023
Our services

What we solve

Problem →

It’s difficult to find customers for your products.

Solution ✔

Our customized marketing approach gradually brings many customers to your products, ensuring greater visibility and engagement.


You’re uncertain how to create a succesful brand.

Solution ✔

We will assist you in fine-tuning your branding so that your products will gain a public image that people will be able to recognize quickly! You can leave the details to us.

Problem →

You want to make your hobby into a profitable business (but you’re not sure how).

Solution ✔

Via our sales strategies, we aim to show enthusiasts that your products are exactly what they’re looking for, thus progressively growing your revenue stream.

Our services


Sales and Upsell management

We simplify your sales process and use effective upselling strategies to increase your product’s value and create customer loyalty. Our solutions ensure that customers will easily find what they’re looking for by promoting repeat purchases and improving their shopping experience.


Web-store or page optimization

The web-store or website is the heart of your brand’s online identity. Our optimization makes it stunning, fast, and user-friendly. Transform your site or page into a powerful sales engine with our tailored solutions.


Results driven performance marketing

Performance-based marketing ensures you only pay for measurable/trackable results, such as clicks, leads, or sales. By targeting the right audience for your specific niche, we help increase your conversions across the board.


SEO & Copywriting improvements

Our team will create SEO-friendly content that resonates with your audience and that search engines can easily find. By incorporating strategic keywords, we’ll boost your search rankings and engagement. We will also enhance your brand’s voice with tailored copywriting that reflects your unique style and company values.


Social media management

The management of social media accounts will help you reach your audience and convert them into followers and eventually buyers. By creating, scheduling and posting engaging content regularly without help, we can make sure you attract and retain more followers for your venture.


Weekly reporting & Social Media audits

We provide detailed insights into your channels’ performance—engagement metrics, content effectiveness, and campaign success. With these insights we fine-tune strategies and optimize your online presence effectively.



Jump on viral and trendy content

Stay ahead of the curve and maximize your success by jumping on viral and trendy content with our experts’ guidance. We’ll help you identify what’s hot within your specific niche, and create captivating content that resonates with your audience. 


Month-on-month basis contracts

Our month-to-month contracts give you the flexibility to adjust as your business evolves. Whether you need to scale up, downsize, or change strategies, you can do so without dealing with the hassle a long-term contract would otherwise bring. Thanks to this, any adjustment can be made within a month.

Why wait?